Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Gospel and the Virginia Tech Massacre

Our hearts go out to the victims, families, and faculty of Virginia Tech who had to endure the rampage of disturbed student Cho Seung-hui (photo). It brings back haunting memories of Dawson College in Montreal. This kind of violence seems to be occurring more and more. Obviously, education is not the answer. What is?

I believe that the gospel of Jesus is the only true and effective answer to the violence and mental health issues facing US/Canadian societies today. Suburbia has become disturbia. So far, social engineering through education and a values neutral posture have proven powerless against the evils of the human heart. But a crucified and resurrected Jesus can deal with the human condition. How?

1. The gospel of Jesus heals the human heart of anger and rage through the experience of mercy and forgiveness. It's obvious that there is a deep seated rage simmering beneath the nice, quiet veneer of suburbia. The release of Cho's self-made video demonstrates a heart in need of mercy and a mind in need of healing. Only the experience of Jesus' mercy and forgiveness will enable people to forgive those who have hurt them.

2. The gospel of Jesus sets us in reconciled relationships with one another to provide a community that encourages emotional health and personal integration. Cho Seung-hui displayed the classic signs of an emotionally and socially damaged person. The fact that his own roommates couldn't even truly know him as a person or that he barely spoke a word to anyone even in response to questions is a clear cut example of taking our tendency to isolate ourselves from one another to it's ultimate conclusion. If nothing truly exists except in relationship to others as the new sciences affirm, then Cho Seung-hui was already dead before he even purchased a handgun.

The gospel of Jesus connects and reconciles people who were at one point enemies to become brothers and sisters in a community where Jesus rules hearts. The gospel isn't just about words but about relationships to one another and especially to the marginalized in our society. I wonder how many Cho Seung-hui's there are in our own community here in Ottawa? Is there good news for them?

3. The gospel of Jesus is the only message that has the grace to cleanse the filth off people who have become victims of others' sins. What often defiles our souls is the sins that others commit against us. The damage can happen through verbal or physical abuse, manipulation and control, "mind games," threats, infidelity, betrayal etc. Through Christ, we can experience the power of God to cleanse us and free us from the anger, rage, depression, shame, and confusion that often follows such experiences.

Cho has defiled so many people; his victims and their families. May God's mercy be poured out upon the hundreds of people who have been scarred by such a savage act of terror. And may the followers of Jesus rise up to offer God's love and grace with "skin on it" to them.

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